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Home What is Rugby Contact

What is Rugby

Welcome to the rugby portal. Here you can learn all the subtleties of this game. To begin with, you should know what rugby is.

What is Rugby

Rugby is a popular contact sport in England in the 19th century. Rugby has two most popular branches - rugby (known as Rugby 13) and Rugby 7.

Rugby players

A classic rugby match is a contest between two teams on a rugby field, with an H-gate behind the teams' backs. The main task of the opponents is to hit the opponents' goal or get the ball in the opponent's scoring area.

Rugby Rules

Rugby rules

According to the game's rules, players cannot pass the ball with their hands forward. Players must move with the ball in their hands as close to the in-goal area as possible. The winner is the team with the most points (which makes sense).

Rugby Scoring

Rugby scoring

The most points (7 points) are awarded for a penalty attempt. A penalty try is awarded for a rule violation. Points are scored as scored in the center of the goal. For a typical skid (try), a team receives 5 points. A penalty shot gives the team 3 points.


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